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From 27th to 30th October our Conference took place in Latvia’s National Library in Riga. After our first conference 2019 in Riga the second one was mostly online in 2020 in Vilnius, Lithuania and 2021 hybrid in Tallinn, Estonia.

This time finally it was possible that the conference could be held onsite. More than 60 participants from 12 countries all over Europe came to Riga to discuss issues regarding the main topic of Sustainability.

The conference program was divided in Cluster work, where young people developed future ideas which will be presented in policy papers to decision makers of the Baltic states, Germany and the European Union and also in sessions of GBYEN – German-Baltic Youth Exchange Network, which is a platform where international youth organizations can come together and discuss working together, sharing ideas and talking about future strategies.

GBC Riga 2022 Clusters:

  • “Sustainability and Consumption”

  • “Sustainability and Digital System”

  • “Sustainability and Nature”

  • “Sustainability and Democracy”

Also we were able to connect our GBYEN partners much more with each other and developed ideas how the platform can grow and everyone participate much more. We also discussed issues like what are the needs of organizations, e.g. getting new and more participants, getting fundings for Seminars and much more. Also, here the results were very impressive.

Furthermore, we were happy to be invited at our first evening to the German Embassy in Riga by the current ambassador, his excellency Mr. Held. Also Mr. Uwe Becker, State Secretary of the Hessian Ministry for European affairs, travelled to Riga to welcome our young participants in the name of our patron, the Hessian prime minister. On Saturday also the current Latvian minister of Defense and Deputy prime minister, Mr. Artis Pabriks joined us for a keynote session together with Dr. Klaus Wittmann, who was a former General of German Bundeswehr and is still a lecturer at University of Potsdam.

Please find the our policy paper’s here:

Find some impressions of our participants here:

You can also check out our social media channels facebook and Instagram. Here you can find our representation but also you can find participant impressions under the #EuropeShallHearYou #dbjugendwerk and #GBCRiga22

If you weren’t able to join us this year: We look forward to welcoming you during our next conference in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2023! You are invited to visit us there and on our various Seminars!


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